The future of business is about networked collaborations among openly connected partners for dynamic growth. Global partners in different countries with different resources — technology resources, entrepreneurship resources, industry ecosystems, business relationships — sharing the same passion for creating global impact are welcome to connect. Get in touch with us to talk about synergy.

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Global friends helping companies grow globally

Austin Chamber

Austin Chamber works with businesses looking to create or expand their presence in the Austin region and help them create more jobs. More jobs means more opportunities for people to find work and provide for their families. This leads to increased community prosperity.


Boardio is a global platform offering a turnkey service that finds advisors and board members for companies. There are over 3500 advisors from 100 countries on Boardio. These people are willing to help companies grow, develop their business, enter new markets or whatever need the company may have.  

Dell Digital Cities

Dell Digital Cities builds a global platform for collaborating with local partners and specialized domain applications providers, this “global + local” ecosystem model enables local leaders and domain applications to thrive on the platform offered by Dell.

Founder Institute

The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our structured accelerator programs have helped over 6,800 entrepreneurs raise over $1.75BN in funding. Based in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 100 countries, our mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.


Expara is Singapore’s pioneer and leader in incubation, early-stage venture capital, entrepreneurship, VC and innovation training, mentorship, has offices in Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.

Globalization Partners

Globalization Partners’ mission is to make global expansion fast and easy, eliminate barriers to global business and make it easy for companies to hire in 187 countries within days, and without the need to set up costly international subsidiaries .

Google for Startups

Google for Startups is on a mission to support thriving, diverse, and inclusive startup communities around the world. We connect startups with the right people, products, and best practices to help your startup grow.

Kauffman Foundation – ESHIP

 The Kauffman Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting entrepreneurship, it’s made up of connectors and doers. The ESHIP Summit is a convening that brings together leaders connecting communities to accelerate entrepreneurship. More than 70 NRPs and more than 1,000 ecosystem builders from around the US has joined it.

Kisaco Research

Kisaco Research works with the early adopters and leaders of growth markets in driving their respective industries forward and in providing the right knowledge, learning, and social opportunities to stimulate business growth quickly and effectively. 


Lurnable is a strategic consultancy and advisory services company and has successfully served clients across the globe, from the UK and the Caribbean to India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and Africa. 


MassChallenge is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting entrepreneurship through collaboration. It has more than a decade of experience accelerating startups, works across sectors and geographies, connects startups, mentors, investors and enterprises.

Microsoft for Startups

Microsoft for Startups is a unique program designed to help startups develop a true business partnership with Microsoft, building and growing through access to technology, channels, markets and customers.


MIND THE BRIDGE is an experienced Innovation advisory firm working at the intersection between corporates and startups, helping them throughout their Innovation value chain. Resources with innovation insights: MIND THE CHATResearch reports investigating innovation ecosystems.


NoviDigiTech is about Helping People & Powering Progress through Innovation, Digital Enablement, and Technical Excellence. We do that by partnering with innovators, academics, startups, entrepreneurs, investors, and customers to create impact and drive growth through integration, collaboration, digitalization, and education. 


StartupBlink is the world’s most comprehensive startup ecosystem map and research center, working to uncover the momentum of startup ecosystems globally and to accelerate their growth. We combine our technology with consulting and research, to offer startup ecosystem developers all the support they need in order to succeed.

Singapore Global Network

We’re all about connecting people. Whether you’re considering Singapore as your next place to work and live in, a Singaporean living overseas and thinking about returning, or just someone who’s curious about the kind of opportunities available in Singapore, we’ll connect you with the right people or resources to get started, with our 11 in-market Regional Representatives’ on-ground presence across 5 regions.


The IndUS Entrepreneurs (TiE) is a Silicon Valley non-profit supporting start-ups through networking and the raising of capital for new and experienced entrepreneurs. By 2000, it had helped create businesses worth more than $75 billion. TiE has 60 chapters in 17 countries.

Topio Networks

Topio Networks applies AI to build business and market intelligence, map the combinations of multiple dimension factors and identify opportunities. Its unique approach to community building supports entrepreneurs and technology business leaders and provides them with high-value information of market context and learnings, accelerate emerging technologies and businesses.

Born Global Ventures

Headquartered in Houston, the most diverse city in the United States, we provide financial capital, intellectual capital, human capital, and social capital for resilient immigrant founders to build born global startups reshaping the world. 


The Texas Global Health Security Innovation Consortium (TEXGHS) is a consortium between academia, public sector, and private sector partners to coordinate efforts to support companies working towards pandemic preparedness and response in Texas. It has convened global innovators, professionals and investors on its annual online conferences!


Help enterprises that wish to invest in the United States to exert their collective strength, to pool their ideas through industry, government, academia, and research, and to combine the local strength of Taiwanese businesses in North America, so that Taiwan’s supply chain can get a head start in obtaining investment opportunities in the U.S