Promising Climate Tech – Carbon To Value (C2V)

Promising Climate Tech – Carbon To Value (C2V)

Achieving deep emissions reductions in heavy industry (cement, steel, and chemicals production) can be challenging for several reasons. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies might be among the cheapest abatement options – or the only option. For...

Promising Climate Tech – Green Hydrogen

The climate crisis, the global clean energy transition, and the ‘electrify everything’ global movement are driving a massive transformation of industries and infrastructure globally. Green hydrogen has the potential to create a $1 trillion business and assist reduce...

How Deep Tech Startups Are Evaluated by VCs

After we discussed the process of decision-making in angel networks, let’s look into the processes of VCs. Harvard Business Review had done a survey and interviews with the vast majority of leading VC firms. Specifically, the team asked about how VCs source...